Efectividad del ejercicio aeróbico, de fuerza y/o de estiramientos en la mejora de la salud en pacientes adultos con osteoartritis de rodilla. revisión bibliográfica
Tipo de trabajo
Revisió bibliogràficaCondiciones de acceso
Acceso abiertoMetadatos
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemResumen
ABSTRACT: Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is currently considered one of the major causes of disability in the world, affecting approximately half of the population over 65 years. More than 70% of the population over 50 years old, show radiological signs suggestive of OA. It’s a pathology that progresses slowly but between 10 and 30% of patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA), present limiting and invalidating pain in activities of daily living (ADL), which seriously affects their quality of life. As a result, these patients abuse of drugs, and may even end up going through the operating room. That’s why clinical rehabilitation is of vital importance for them.
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of aerobic exercise, strength and / or stretching in improving health in adult patients with knee osteoarthritis. The study variables are pain, function and quality of life. The study design consists of a bibliographic review.
Methods: A bibliographic search was carried out between 2012 and 2017, in the Pubmed and PEDro databases.
Results: A total of 8 clinical trials have been analyzed.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that aerobic, strength and / or stretching exercise is effective in improving health in adult patients with KOA, reducing pain and improving function and quality of life.
Palabras clave
knee, osteoarthritis, exercise, pain, knee Function, quality of qife, aerobic exercise, strength training, muscle stretching exerciseMaterias
Artritis -- Rehabilitació , Exercici terapèutic , Dolor -- Tractament , Estirament (Exercici)Línea de treball
Fisioteràpia::Sistema Musculoesquelètic(SME) i osteo-articular(OA)::La fisioteràpia en les alteracions d'alta prevalença del SMEDescriptor
Complex articular del Genoll (CAG) [regió o sistema]Càpsula i lligament [regió o sistema]
Procés degeneratius osteoarticular [condició de salut]
Escala Visual Analògica (EVA) [eina d'avaluació]
Escala de Daniels [eina d'avaluació]
Qüestionari Discapacitat Genoll (KOOS, IKDC, LKS-Tegner) [eina d'avaluació]
Estiraments Muscular (Actius, Passius, en tensió activa) [estratègia de tractament]
Exercici terapètic i tonificació Muscular [estratègia de tractament]