Efectividad de los estiramientos pasivos en neonatos con tortícolis muscular congénita durante el primer año de vida. Revisión bibliográfica.
2017-05-28Tipo de trabajo
Revisió bibliogràficaCondiciones de acceso
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ABSTRACT: Introduction: Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT), is a shortened and contracted sternocleidomastoid muscle in most cases unilateral that usually occurs in the first months of life. The incidence ranges from 0.4 to 1.9%, being the third most common congenital musculoskeletal disorder. The objective of the treatment is to increase the joint range and correct the position of the neonate. Although a common anomaly, there is still no consensus in the treatment protocol and its application Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of passive stretching in the resolution of the congenital muscular torticollis in neonates during the first year of life. Even though it is common in the neonatal population, there is still no consensus in the treatment protocol and its application. Design: literature review Methods and results: We searched different databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane, Science direct and PEDro in which the keywords "muscular congenital torticollis", "physical therapy", "torticollis rehabilitation", "stretching", "newborn" "Treatment", "physiotherapy". We obtained 78 results of which 7 were selected for the study. Results: Passive stretching in infants with CMT is a good treatment technique since the resolution percentage is above 96% of cases and a mean duration of treatment is 4.5 months. Conclusion: There is evidence of a relationship between the frequency and duration of sessions in the duration of treatment and resolution of CMD. Although studies are lacking in which they investigate new therapies of treatment and a greater methodological rigor in the application of the treatment.
Palabras clave
congenital muscular torticollis, stretching, newborn, physiotherapy.Materias
Infants nadons , Coll -- Malalties -- Aspectes genètics , Torticoli , Malalties congènites , Estirament (Exercici) , Manipulació (Terapèutica)Línea de treball
Fisioteràpia::Neurologia. Fisioteràpia i Neurociència::Fisioteràpia a les patologies més freqüents del sistema nerviósDescriptor
Tronc [regió o sistema]Rigidesa muscular [condició de salut]
Artrhodial protractor [eina d'avaluació]
Estiraments musculars [estratègia terapèutica]
Tortícolis Muscular Congènita [condició de salut]