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dc.contributorBernadich Márquez, Marc
dc.contributor.authorQuintana Casas, Marc
dc.descriptionBusiness plan about transforming blood-protein procesca
dc.description.abstractWhen the blood is considered a waste (zoo-technical blood), slaughterhouses can treat their waste water on-site and discharge directly to the local water course, or discharge their waste water to the local Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). On the other hand, when the blood is considered a raw material, it is collected and treated i) in rendering plants (whole blood rendering) or ii) in blood processing plants (whole blood or separated blood processing). HYDROBLOOD overcomes current State-of-the-Art (SoA) alternative solutions from both, the treatment process and the final obtainable product too. The main Advantages of HYDROBLOOD process against blood processing competition are: 􀀹 Our processing plant has a lower production cost (1 €/kg) and a higher yield of finished product per litre of blood (20% performance) of high added value product. Even though whole blood rendering and processing treatment processes achieves the same production performance, the final product obtained from them has a very low added value (powerful red colour and changes in taste). 􀀹 The HYDROBLOOD processing plant requires a lower investment (CAPEX) in equipment (1.3M€). The HYDROBLOOD processing plant requires a lower operational costs (OPEX), thanks to its lower energy consumption (200kWh/m3). DHP production does not requires heat treatment for sterilization nor cold storage for sterility of raw blood. HYDROBLOOD is as a new cost-efficient blood processing plant to treat the blood without separation, optimising the production process of high quality protein, and reducing the power consumption during the process (eco-friendly)ca
dc.subjectAnimal blood, proteinca
dc.titleHYDROBLOOD: transformación de la sangre animal en proteínaca
dc.typeBachelor thesisca
dc.rights.accessRestricted accessca
dc.subject.lemacEmpreses -- Planificacióca
dc.subject.lemacProteïnes de la sang
dc.subject.lemacPlasma sanguini
dc.subject.lemacPlanificació estratègica
dc.description.typeProjecte de recercaca

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